Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Yes, I'm being judgemental...

I only saw about 5 seconds of a segment of Good Morning America this morning but I am reeling at what some parents are now trying to have added in schools!

Let's teach our "tweens" about abusive relationships, because surprisingly the "tweens" who are dating between the ages of 11 and 14 are more susceptible to being in abusive relationships. Really? What parent in their right mind allows a child of 11 to even 16 to freakin' date?

We have allowed schools to cut back on music, art, sports, and reduced (in some districts) the number of weighted advanced classes that our students can take. But now we should have adults that we know little to nothing about, teaching OUR children about abusive relationships?!! One school in our area has had four, FOUR teachers in the last 18 months arrested for having sexual relationships with their underage students! There is some education on abusive relationships for you!

What about teachers make them more qualified to impart relationship information to OUR children? This segment had a father whose daughter was murdered by her boyfriend. I do really and truly feel for the parents whose daughter died at the hands of her abusive boyfriend, but when they blamed the schools for not educating her on the dangers of abusive relationships it is obvious to me that they are just looking for a place to vent their own guilt and grief.

Maybe I would be doing the same thing if I were in the same position as these parents. I hope not.

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